Cash back! As a member, you get the credits. 

We belong to those we serve and as such we share profits back with the people we serve. We call these profits capital credits. Capital credits are your share of the cooperative's margins. Per MiEnergy's bylaws, the board of directors determines the amount of retirement each year based on the financial condition of the cooperative.

It is important to know two things about capital credits in order to understand how they work:

Allocations. Each year, members are "allocated" their portion of the previous year's profit based on the amount of electricity they purchase from MiEnergy. This amount is put into a "holding account" and used by MiEnergy to fund capital needs for items such as power line construction, transformers, inventory and other equipment. This is an underlying principle of the cooperative business model and is one more way we keep your electric rates as low as possible. This "allocation" becomes your equity in the cooperative and is maintained in a separate account assigned to you. 

Retirement. This is what members get in cash at a later date. MiEnergy uses the amount "allocated" to the member for a time, but then returns this amount to members in the form of "retirements," which are actual "cash back" dollars to the member.

Visit the links below to view our unclaimed capital credits list and frequently asked questions. You can also contact Julie with any questions by calling 800-432-2285 or emailing

Unclaimed capital credits list

Visit the link below to search our list of former members who have unclaimed credits.

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Frequently asked questions

For more information about capital credits and how they work, visit our FAQ page.

Capital credits FAQ