Monday | April 15, 2024

Iowa winner Aleah Eichenberger of New Hampton; Minnesota winner William Carlson of Houston

Cresco, IA | Rushford, MN— Aleah Eichenberger, a junior at New Hampton High School, and William Carlson, a junior at Houston High School, won an educational-filled week of adventure in Washington D.C. as MiEnergy Cooperative’s Youth Tour Contest winners. Aleah and William will be among a group of 1,900 students sponsored by electric cooperatives from across the country to take part in the Rural Electric Youth Tour in June.

The Youth Tour was inspired in 1957 by Lyndon Johnson, then a U.S. senator from Texas, when he called on electric cooperatives to send young people to Washington, “to see what the flag stands for and represents.”

The students will meet with state and federal legislators to get an up-close look at how our government works, along with experiencing the monuments, museums and history of our nation’s capital.

To qualify for MiEnergy’s contest, students must complete an online exam. Those who score 90% or greater become finalists. All finalists are interviewed to determine a winner and an alternate.

Iowa contestants

MiEnergy’s Iowa Youth Tour winner, Aleah Eichenberger, is the daughter of Jeremy and Heather Eichenberger, of New Hampton. Carrie Schwickerath, of New Hampton, was selected as an alternate. Michael Kime of Decorah, Ella Knutson of New Hampton and Easton Monteith of New Hampton, were also finalists.

Minnesota contestants

MiEnergy’s Minnesota Youth Tour winner, William Carlson, is the son of Bob and Mimi Carlson, of Houston. Quinn Potter, of Winona, was selected as an alternate. There were no other finalists.

youth tour

Media Contact:

Brenda Tesch
Manager of Marketing and Communications